Code Generation Tools
Development Tools
PSoC Designer supports multiple third party C compilers and
PSoC Designer is a Microsoft Windows-based, integrated
assemblers. The code generation tools work seamlessly within
development environment for the Programmable
the PSoC Designer interface and have been tested with a full
System-on-Chip (PSoC) devices. The PSoC Designer IDE runs
range of debugging tools. The choice is yours.
on Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Assemblers. The assemblers allow assembly code to merge
This system provides design database management by project,
seamlessly with C code. Link libraries automatically use absolute
an integrated debugger with In-Circuit Emulator, in-system
addressing or are compiled in relative mode, and linked with
programming support, and built-in support for third-party
other software modules to get absolute addressing.
assemblers and C compilers.
PSoC Designer also supports C language compilers developed
C Language Compilers. C language compilers are available
specifically for the devices in the PSoC family.
that support the PSoC family of devices. The products allow you
to create complete C programs for the PSoC family devices.
PSoC Designer Software Subsystems
The optimizing C compilers provide all the features of C tailored
System-Level View
to the PSoC architecture. They come complete with embedded
libraries providing port and bus operations, standard keypad and
A drag-and-drop visual embedded system design environment
display support, and extended math functionality.
based on PSoC Express. In the system level view you create a
model of your system inputs, outputs, and communication inter-
faces. You define when and how an output device changes state
based upon any or all other system devices. Based upon the
The PSoC Designer Debugger subsystem provides hardware
design, PSoC Designer automatically selects one or more PSoC
in-circuit emulation, allowing you to test the program in a physical
Mixed-Signal Controllers that match your system requirements.
system while providing an internal view of the PSoC device.
Debugger commands allow the designer to read and program
PSoC Designer generates all embedded code, then compiles
and read and write data memory, read and write I/O registers,
and links it into a programming file for a specific PSoC device.
read and write CPU registers, set and clear breakpoints, and
provide program run, halt, and step control. The debugger also
Chip-Level View
allows the designer to create a trace buffer of registers and
The chip-level view is a more traditional integrated development
memory locations of interest.
environment (IDE). Choose a base device to work with and then
select different onboard analog and digital components called
Online Help System
user modules that use the PSoC blocks. Examples of user
The online help system displays online, context-sensitive help
modules are ADCs, DACs, Amplifiers, and Filters. Configure the
for the user. Designed for procedural and quick reference, each
user modules for your chosen application and connect them to
functional subsystem has its own context-sensitive help. This
each other and to the proper pins. Then generate your project.
system also provides tutorials and links to FAQs and an Online
This prepopulates your project with APIs and libraries that you
Support Forum to aid the designer in getting started.
can use to program your application.
The device editor also supports easy development of multiple
In-Circuit Emulator
configurations and dynamic reconfiguration. Dynamic
A low cost, high functionality In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) is
configuration enables changing configurations at run time.
available for development support. This hardware has the
capability to program single devices.
Hybrid Designs
The emulator consists of a base unit that connects to the PC by
You can begin in the system-level view, allow it to choose and
way of a USB port. The base unit is universal and operates with
configure your user modules, routing, and generate code, then
all PSoC devices. Emulation pods for each device family are
switch to the chip-level view to gain complete control over
available separately. The emulation pod takes the place of the
on-chip resources. All views of the project share a common code
PSoC device in the target board and performs full speed (24
editor, builder, and common debug, emulation, and programming
MHz) operation.